Learning Diversity

If you are a student with learning disabilities and you are looking to improve your maths, English or computing skills, then one of our Learning Diversity courses might be of interest to you.
Classes are small and friendly and students can learn at a pace that suits their own abilities and confidence levels. To ensure that you are placed in an appropriate class, all applicants will be invited to attend an informal interview and assessment prior to enrolling. Your support person should attend this with you.
Our Learning Diversity timetable includes the following sessions:
- Book and Film Club - Develop your literacy skills while enjoying a great range of books and films. Try some creative writing and role-plays based on favourite films, while encountering new worlds through some wonderful books.
- Computer Club (English) - Create projects of your choice on Word and PowerPoint. Learn to use email and the internet safely. Play games and have lots of fun! All levels of computer literacy are welcome
- Computer Club (Numbers) - Learn everyday number skills including how to manage your money and budget, using a variety of activities.
- English and Employment Skills - Improve your everyday reading, writing, spelling and communication skills to help you in your everyday life. All levels of literacy are welcome.
- Enterprise - In this brand new course, students will learn the skills needed to set up a small business enterprise. This could be something like making and selling cards and jewellery or offering services such as gardening or washing cars.
- Exploring our World - Investigate your local area and discover far-away countries. We’ll be mixing life-skills with art, music and games to help develop reading, writing and communication.
- Lunch Club (English) - Eat your packed lunch with some friends then choose from a range of board games, jigsaws and creative activities. Develop your social skills through joining in a range of practical activities, including role plays from favourite films, centred around everyday literacy skills including reading and writing.
- Lunch Club (Numbers) - Eat your packed lunch with some friends then choose from a range of board games, jigsaws and creative activities. This class will help you to develop the maths skills needed for shopping, travelling, healthy eating and leisure activities.
- Number Fun - Number Fun classes develop the number skills needed for shopping, travelling and leisure activities in a fun way. Play magnetic darts, role-playing using money, enjoy computer games and more!
If you are interested in any of these courses, please contact us for further information and advice about how to enrol.