
This is an introductory course offering the opportunity for participants to cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being through the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Some consider meditation and mindfulness to be interchangeable and in some ways they are;  if meditation is about paying attention, and the only way in which we can pay attention is through our senses, then that includes the mind. Mindfulness is a way of connecting to ourselves and our experience. It encompasses our experience of life and the world we live in and the miracle of the intricacy we call our body, mind and emotions.

So many of us are wired up to the 24/7 lifestyle – mobile phone at the ready, speedy instant responses. Often we are on autopilot, habitually getting from A to B without stopping to observe why. Often in life we are distracted, completely unaware of our ‘present’ moment, instead ruminating over what has happened or worrying about what is to come. If this sounds familiar, this course is for you! 

What Will I Study?

You will focus on the following each week: 

Week 1 & 2 – Where the mind goes the body follows: the mind/body connection.

Week 3 & 4 – Why mindfulness and meditation? Brain training through mindful awareness

Week 5 - Reframing and changing - unique you! 

Week 6 & 7 - The use of Mindfulness as an experiential tool for curiosity

Week 8 – Practising gratitude

Week 9 & 10 – A more beautiful version of living

Entry Requirements

No previous knowledge required. A simple curiosity and openness to experience meditation and mindfulness to enhance wellbeing. 


No materials required. You should try and wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing to aid relaxation. 


This course could lead to the regular practice of meditation and mindfulness, which can bring about positive change in daily life. You may wish to enrol on another of our health fitness courses, such as Yoga Nidra or Hatha Yoga.