
Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep) is a deep relaxation and meditative technique, originally developed by Swami Satyananda, founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. It is a practice that is not limited by age or fitness level, so its healing and therapeutic benefits can be accessed by all. 

This is a 10-week introductory course for those who wish to experience the deeply nourishing practice of yoga Nidra (psychic sleep). This is also referred to as the hypnogogic state, a state between sleep and wakefulness. 

The course aims to induce physical, mental and emotional relaxation, helping you to learn how to relax even amidst daily activities. It will help to remove stress and tension, inducing well-being and equanimity and assist in restoring vital energy.

What Will I Study?

  • Opening Stages
  • Position and preliminary adjustments of the body.
  • Preliminary relaxation of the body.
  • Preliminary relaxation of the mind through breath awareness. 
  • Sankalpa (personal positive resolve).
  • Rotation of awareness through different parts of the body.
  • Breath awareness
  • Pairs of opposites
  • Visualisation
  • Sankalpa (personal positive resolve) – repeat.
  • Externalisation – return to external perception. 

Entry Requirements

None required. The tutor will provide more information regarding Yoga Nidra Practice and the stages during the course. You should have an interest and curiosity in meditation. Previous experience of meditation and/or Yoga Nidra may be helpful, but is not necessary. 


  • Yoga mats will be provided (you may wish to bring your own if you have one).
  • Cushions and blankets for comfort and warmth during the Yoga Nidra Practice.
  • Loose comfortable clothing to enable stretching and for the body to be comfortable. 


A regular practice of Yoga Nidra has preventative, promotive and curative benefit and value. It helps minimise stress and stress-related disorders by inducing deep physical, emotional and mental relaxation. By training the mind to remain calm and quiet, promoting focus, willpower and confidence in the practitioner. 

A traditional, systematic yogic practice will enhance wellbeing, helping us to navigate our way through a demanding, fast-paced hectic world. 

On completion you could enrol onto a further Yoga Nidra course or one of our other health and fitness courses.