
This course is for adults who have studied the language for at least 5 years or equivalent and who have a solid knowledge of how to construct sentences in Italian using the correct agreements between nouns, determiners and adjectives and the present, the past and the future tenses. 

Homework is given on a weekly basis. To benefit most from the course, you will be encouraged to read the materials used during lessons and refer to the course book.  

What Will I Study?

In addition to revising vocabulary and grammatical structures learned in previous years, we will learn new vocabulary and some advanced grammar. We will work on all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

You will:

  • learn new vocabulary related to a variety of topics and some advanced grammar.    
  • read more complex texts and comple relevant worksheets.
  • write short sentences and essays, which will include opinions and hypotheses
  • translate sentences and texts into Italian
  • listen to audio and video materials (with worksheets to complete)
  • speak in class (pair/group conversations, short presentations, reading aloud)

Entry Requirements

To join at this level, you should have studied Italian for at least four or five years and be able to:

  • understand short texts that use the present, the past, the future and the conditional   
  • to talk about a topic using a good range of basic vocabulary and grammar.   
  • write simple and well-structured sentences which include opinions and justification (secondo me, perchè)

If you have any questions regarding your suitability for this course, please contact the Head of Languages on ahedlanguages@psc.ac.uk


Please bring pen, paper and a folder. Text books will be discussed at the first session. 


We offer a Semester 2 course that begins immediately after Semester 1 and is an integral part of the course, the exact length of which will be decided in the spring term. You would then be able to progress to the next level.