
This course is for adults with approximately 3 years of French study who would like to continue improving their ability to communicate and their knowledge of French culture.

To join at this level, you should have a basic knowledge of vocabulary and be able to use the present, immediate future, perfect and imperfect tenses.

What Will I Study?

You will expand your vocabulary and grammar using all four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) on practical topics to enable you to communicate.

You will be revising the use of the present, past and immediate future tenses, the pronunciation of difficult sounds and reading/listening comprehension strategies. You will learn the conditional and the subjunctive, and discover common informal idiomatic expressions.

Possible topics include: 

  • How to talk about future plans and narrate past events
  • How to ask questions and express opinions or compliments
  • Making, accepting and refusing requests and describing emotions
  • Discussing current affairs such as recent news articles or bigger topics like the environment

Students on this course will improve their listening and reading skills, broaden their range of everyday vocabulary and expand their knowledge of past and future tenses and French culture. 

Entry Requirements

To join at this level, you should have: a basic knowledge of vocabulary and be able to use the present, immediate future, perfect and imperfect tenses.

You should be:

  • fairly confident speaking in French on topics of everyday life.
  • able to talk about past, present and near future events and situations.
  • able to understand the main points in short texts and videos.


Course materials will be discussed at the first session. Please bring pen, paper and a folder.


We offer a Semester 2 course that begins immediately after Semester 1 and is an integral part of the course, the exact length of which will be decided in the spring term. You would then be able to progress to the next level.