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This qualification is aimed at tutors and experienced practitioners who aspire to assess occupational competence in the work environment. It is work oriented and suitable for those who have current real work experience and are interested in assessing candidates working towards a qualification in their area of expertise. The qualification is awarded by CACHE/NCFE.

What Will I Study?

This course is on demand and will start at a time that suits you. This qualification can take up to a year to complete. You will be assigned an assessor and/or mentor, who will guide you through the qualification. 

You will need to agree and review assessment plans for assessing performance; collect and judge performance evidence against criteria; collect and judge knowledge evidence; make assessment decisions and provide feedback; make assessment decisions using differing sources of evidence and provide feedback and contribute to the internal quality assurance process.

Assessment will take place within the candidates work environment. You will shadow a qualified assessor with your candidates and they will help guide you through the evidence that you will need to collate for you portfolio.

Entry Requirements

You will need to be proficient within the field being assessed and hold a current Level 3 qualification in the area being assessed.


You will need a folder and writing materials.+


You could apply to an Internal Verifier course.