Study Support
The Study Support department provides specialist help to students to enable them to access learning throughout their time at the college. The department is able to offer support for students with specific learning differences, physical and sensory impairments, medical conditions and/or social, emotional and mental health difficulties. The college is well equipped and we aim to ensure that all students are able to take a full part in college life.
Support is bespoke and based on individual needs but may take the form of specialist teaching, in-class support, individual sessions, equipment loans and/or personalised exam access arrangements.
Once at the college, students may be referred to the department by their teacher if needs become apparent. We do everything we can to support students on their learning journey with highly specialised staff both within the team and cross-college departments e.g. the college nurse, careers, academic skills support/advisors, counselling and wellbeing services.
The information that students provide during the application and enrolment process is critical. This allows us to ensure that the correct level of support is in place for their arrival and that we are able to liaise with other college departments, the local authority and/or other agencies at the earliest possible opportunity. It is really important that students keep us informed of any exam access arrangements that may have been in place at school as we will need to reapply for them in-line with the current Joint Council for Qualification (JCQ) regulations.