Hearing and Visual Impairments
Speech to Text
Using speech to text services, we can offer text of spoken language. We can offer captioned videos used in teaching and written transcripts of audio materials and spoken content. We also ensure the regular use of visual aids e.g. slides, diagrams and written instructions to supplement spoken information. Screen readers can read text aloud from a computer screen. Magnification software can enlarge text and images on a computer screen. Voice recognition software allows students to input text and commands using your voice.
Learning adaptations
Our online learning portal allows teachers to post notes, assignments and resources. We also encourage the use of text based communication tools e.g. email, instant messaging and other text-based forums for discussions and clarifications. We can also offer designated staff to take detailed notes during classes and discussions and make applications for exam access arrangements e.g. extra time, separate room or use of assistive technology during exams.
Teaching adaptations
Teachers are aware to use clear speech, face students when speaking and avoid covering their mouths. To support students with a range of communication needs, they are aware to adjust the pace of speech for processing information and repeating/rephrasing information and questions from other students. Most of our classrooms are compatible with personal hearing aids and offer induction loops to transmit sound directly to hearing aids equipped with telecoils. Materials can be printed in large font sizes for students with low vision. Electronic versions of texts can be used with screen readers or magnification software.
Support staff
We have specialist support staff trained in working with hearing and visually impaired students including the Hampshire Specialist Teacher Advisory Team who can advise us as required. Through our specialist caseworkers, we can support you with how to navigate the campus independently. We can offer additional one to one or small groups sessions to review and reinforce material. We have a large Student Services department that through The Hub and counselling services can offer emotional and psychological support.
Environmental adaptations
Around campus you will notice braille and large print signs along with guide rails and floor markings. We can also ensure that all classrooms to be used have desks and equipment which is accessible and safe.