Governor Role
Governor Role Description
Governors of a sixth form college take joint responsibility for its educational character – the kind of provision which it makes for the student groups and communities it serves – and for ensuring that it is well managed and solvent. Each governor brings to the governing body (the ‘Corporation’) a mix of knowledge, skills and abilities which are unique, but which complement those of other governors to provide a range of expertise which aims to give strategic direction to the senior management of the College in their operational roles.
- Appointment
The Corporation has published rules for the appointment (and re-appointment) of Governors and all appointments will be made using this process. - Accountability
Governors are accountable to the Chair of the Corporation and the Corporation Board. - Personal Qualities
a) Demonstrate a strong personal commitment to further education and sixth form college values aims and objectives.
b) Act fairly and impartially in the Corporation’s and College’s interests using independent judgement and maintaining confidentiality as appropriate.
c) Allocate the overall time commitment required of a Governor, to effectively carry out the role.
d) Have the ability to be decisive, to guide others in decision making processes and to respectfully challenge and engage others in debate.
e) Have a high degree of personal integrity.
f) Have the ability to recognise the distinction between governance and management and to act accordingly.
g) Have the ability to take a financial overview. - Shared Corporate Responsibilities
a) Set and monitor the strategic framework within which the College operates.
b) Ensure that the educational character and mission of the College reflect the needs of the community which is served by the College and are within government policies.
c) Ensure that all resources, including financial, personnel, property and other assets, are effectively deployed and managed and public funds are used in accordance with the requirements of the funding bodies.
d) Establish a relevant policy and framework for risk management to ensure the corporation’s key objectives are met including protection of its funds and assets.
e) Through regular quality reports ensure that the College is setting and achieving high quality provision across all areas of delivery.
f) Through receiving regular financial reports, ensure that the College is solvent and that finances are well managed including the approval of annual estimates of income and expenditure.
g) Work with other members of the Corporation to set frameworks for pay and conditions of service, with particular responsibility for establishing pay for senior post holders.
h) Foster good relations between the College and its community and ensure that the College's aims and objectives are understood.
i) Help to ensure that the College, in its procedures, policies and actions, complies with the law.
j) Work with other governors to ensure that the College has due regard to equal opportunities in its operations. - Individual Responsibilities
a) Have a personal commitment to the seven principles of public life as set out in Lord Nolan’s Report on Standards in Public Life. These are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. In so doing, each Member is responsible for forming his or her own view on Corporation matters (they should not be mandated to vote in a particular way by any group or individuals).
b) Attend and contribute to meetings of the Corporation.
c) Agree to serve across the full range of committees at the request of the Chair subject to mutual agreement.
d) Participate in working groups of the Corporation, or act as a Link Governor, in accordance with your own professional knowledge, skills and abilities.
e) Agree to undertake any additional Governors’ duties as may be required from time to time by mutual consent.
f) Support decisions of the Corporation and its committees once they have been reached on the basis of collective responsibility, irrespective of individual viewpoint.
g) Take part in any relevant training and development events or opportunities to enhance contribution to the Corporation.
h) Attend, where possible, College events (such as student award presentations, performances, boarders’ dining-in etc) so as to gain an appreciation of the work of the College and to meet students, staff and stakeholders.
i) Ensure you do not make statements on behalf of the Corporation unless authorised to do so by the Corporation