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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many Board meetings are there?

There are usually five Board meetings a year, although there may occasionally be additional ‘special’ meetings. These are held on site at 3 pm on a Monday and are attended by all governors.

  • How many committee meetings are there?

We have five different committees, each of which meets between two and five times a year. These meetings are also held at 3 pm on Mondays, although they are online. Your overall attendance will depend on which committees you are on.

  • How many committees would I be on?

We ask that all governors are on at least two committees. Alternatively, you can be on one committee and have a Link Governor role instead of attending a second committee. 

  • Apart from attending those meetings, what else could I be asked to do?

A week before each meeting, the Clerk sends out the agenda and papers to all those attending, so you will be required to make time to read them. You will also be invited to attend some College events, such as concerts, or to drop into themed days e.g. Careers Day. Attendance at events is optional, but we feel that it helps governors to understand the College better. As time goes on, you might be asked if you would join a temporary group e.g. in case of appointing contractors for a major building programme, or if you would consider chairing a committee.

  • What is a Link Governor?

A Link Governor provides assurance to the Board on a particular area of the College e.g. boarding, careers provision. They do this by meeting with staff in the area and providing a short annual report to the Corporation. Link Governors do not require specific experience in the area as training will be given.

  • Will I be paid?

This is a voluntary position, although reasonable expenses can be claimed e.g. train fares to attend meetings.

  • Do I have to go through any formal checks?

All governor appointments are subject to a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check at enhanced level. The College will organise and pay for that. You will also have to complete a satisfactory Eligibility Form because people are not allowed to serve as governors if they are in breach of one or more of the clauses set out in our Instrument & Articles, such as being currently declared bankrupt. You will also be asked to sign our Code of Conduct. 

  • Do you provide training?

We provide a range of training to support you as a member of the Board and in any specialist role. Some of the training is delivered in house during meetings or at our annual Governor Training & Strategy Day. Other (mainly online) courses are provided by external organisations such as the Sixth Form Colleges’ Association. We will pay for and organise courses by prior agreement. Most training is optional, although there are a number of mandatory courses, mainly relating to safeguarding. 

  • Is there support available if I have questions?

Yes. The Clerk’s job is to support all governors in fulfilling their roles. There is no such thing as a stupid question! She can also put you in touch with a fellow governor or a member of the College staff if you agree that might be helpful. New governors are offered a mentor from within the existing Board members. 

  • I am interested, but I’m not sure that I have the right qualifications and experience?

Please contact the Clerk. We have a Search Committee which looks at the range of experience across the Board and sets the parameters when we need to recruit new governors. Sometimes it is really important that we find someone with a particular background e.g. finance, but that is not always the case. We really benefit from having people from different walks of life as they bring new perspectives. 

  • You say that you welcome people from underrepresented groups. What do you mean by that?

We are keen that, as far as possible, our Board reflects the diversity of our student body and wider community, for instance someone who has a disability or supports someone with additional needs could bring that experience.