Financial Support
16 - 19 Bursary
We want all of our students to fulfil their potential, and not to miss out on opportunities due to financial difficulties. Students who have difficulty meeting the specific financial costs of attending college may be eligible for financial help from the 16-19 Bursary. This is a cash-limited fund available to help with travel costs, books, equipment and UK trips. Generally, households whose income is £35,000 or under are eligible to apply but special circumstances can be taken into consideration. Application forms to the 16-19 Bursary can be collected from Student Services, once you have enrolled at college. You are welcome to contact us to discuss this further. We also oversee the free college meals programme, and have a second hand bookshop that allows students to purchase and re-sell textbooks at discounted prices.
Free College meals
Free College meals can be applied for, if the student meets the Government set criteria. It’s easy to apply and worth trying even if you are not sure if you are eligible. Applications can be made once the student has enrolled at the college via the Free College meals website. Students currently have up to £5.00 per day to spend at any of the catering outlets on-site.
Vulnerable Student Bursary
We want students who are care experienced (Looked After or Care Leavers), or who are able to claim Universal Credit in their own name to be supported at college, and our Vulnerable Student Bursary helps to overcome financial barriers. You will be eligible for support to help you achieve your potential. Contact Student Services to find out more.