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Peter Symonds College

Study at PSC

If you have not studied Art at GCSE level, you will need to have enthusiasm and commitment for the subject. 

A Level Three Dimensional Design (Sculpture) at Peter Symonds is a dynamic, creative and exciting subject to study and is an excellent choice if you are considering architecture, set design, product design or interior design as career options.

Our Sculpture course is for those who have a passion for making ‘things’ and want to develop their creative skills.

It is possible to combine Three Dimensional Design with either Textiles,  Photography, Product Design, Graphic Communication or Art (Fine Art). However, this undertaking needs to be considered very carefully as the deadline days for each of these subjects are the same. Therefore, students who combine arts subjects need to be very well organised.

Course Content

The art courses place a distinct emphasis on the exploration of ideas, materials, visual and other sensory sources. The focus is on the development of your individual responses to your own first hand experience. During the first two terms of the course, you will be encouraged to explore the creative potential of different media and processes. The aim of this essentially experimental phase is to encourage you to acquire and develop skills and awareness.

Drawing from observation as a means of investigation and research is an essential aspect of the course and all students will be expected to develop their experience and confidence in this area. You will also be encouraged to make connections with the work of other artists / designers and the wider context of art and throughout the course you will have the opportunity to study selected aspects of art through lectures and visits.

Methods of Teaching

Components are introduced by teachers in the first phase of the course, this is followed by projects tailored more for your own particular concerns. Our aim, in your first year, is to adopt a flexible approach that can respond directly to your interests, ideas, needs and accumulative experience.

Methods & Patterns of Assessment

Year 1:

You will receive continual assessment feedback and termly progress tutorials. During the first two terms of the course you will have the opportunity to experience drawing, three dimensional experimentation, printmaking and photography. This phase provides the basis for one extensive practical project

  • Component 1: Coursework Portfolio
    Alongside this work you will be expected to build up evidence of your critical awareness of the wider context of art within worldwide cultures to complement and inform your practical work.
  • Component 2: Mock Exam Assignment
    Your response to mock exam assignment. This involves a preparation period, of approximately 10 weeks plus 10 hours supervised time.

Year 2:

  • Component 1: Personal Investigation
    This involves one, extended, in-depth coursework project using skills acquired in year one and a written log.
  • Component 2: Externally-Set Assignment
    Your response to externally set questions. This involves a preparation period of approximately 15 weeks plus 15 hour supervised exam period.

Where Could It Take Me?

This course remains the appropriate preparatory course for higher level Art Courses. Careers in Art & Design are numerous and include: architecture, engineering, photography, film animation and video, commercial art, graphic design, textiles, fashion, ceramics, interior/theatre design, product design. Also arts administration, conservation and restoration, teaching and art therapy.

Financial Implications

Although the Art department will provide essential materials for you to work with (paper, paint, drawing media, plaster, clay) you will need to purchase some equipment (paint brushes, portfolio etc). It is important to stress that Art can be an expensive subject and should you wish to use more specialised media this may well involve some personal expense.

The College has a Student Support Fund for those students who have difficulty meeting these costs.

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including Mathematics and English.

It is possible to combine Three Dimensional Design with either Fine Art, Textiles, Photography or Graphics. However, this needs to be considered very carefully as the deadline days for each of these subjects are the same. Therefore, students who combine arts subjects need to be very well organised

Most Recent Results

Below is a summary of the most recent set of results for this subject:

Grade: A* A B C D E U Total
Total: 0 6 12 7 6 0 1 32
Percentage 0.0 18.8 37.5 21.9 18.8 0.0 3.1