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Peter Symonds College

Study at PSC

Course Content

Theoretical element (worth 70%) involves the study of 5 key areas:

1. Exercise physiology, training and performance

  • Cardio-vascular, respiratory and neuro-muscular systems
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Training and responses to exercise
  • Injury preventation and rehabilitation

2. Movement analysis, technology and biomechanics

  • Movements analysis
  • Newton's laws
  • Levers
  • Studies of motion and fluid mechanics
  • Performance analysis and technology

3. Sport Psychology

  • Personality and attitudes
  • Goal setting
  • Stress, arousal and anxiety
  • Psychological factors influencing an individual and their performance
  • Group dynamics
  • Confidence and motivation

4. Skill Acquisition

  • Theories of learning
  • Skill development
  • Use of guidance, feedback and practice
  • Models of memory and information processing

5. Sport and Society

  • Sport, culture and society
  • History of sport
  • Ethics and deviance in Sport
  • Sport, commercialisation and the media
  • Organisation of sport from mass participation to excellence

Non-exam assessment (worth 30%) involves:

  • Students are assessed in one practical element as either a player/performer or a coach (15%)
  • Plus coursework involving analysis and evaluation of personal performance (15%)


Methods of Teaching

Due to the wonderfully diverse nature of the course, a wide variety of teaching and learning styles will be utilised by the teaching staff including group work, individual assignments, presentations and practical work. This will require you to be flexible and to make positive contributions in all aspects of the course.

Your progress is regularly checked, as are your file and notes. Each week, lunchtime course tutorial sessions are accessible where a member of the teaching staff is available to help with more complex or individual problems. For the practical work you will be assigned to a member of the teaching team for specialist help.

Methods & Patterns of Assessment

You will be required to undertake as part of your assessment two written papers and a practical assessment with relevant evaluation.  It would be advisable to read the BTEC Sport course leaflet in addition to this in order to identify the method of assessment most appropriate to you.

Where Could It Take Me?

Physical Education is recognised as an entry qualification for both specialist courses and any other degree course. The subject further equips you with the skills and knowledge for entrance into the world of work. Current careers available within the sporting industry include; Sports Science, Sports Coaching in the UK and abroad, Sports Development, Physical Education Teaching and Sports Therapy amongst others. Subject staff are always available to give you guidance with Higher Education applications and career opportunities within this field.

Financial Implications

A contribution to resource materials will be required (approx. cost £10).

Essential handouts/booklets will be provided but students must pay for extra photocopying and materials for note taking.

The College has a Student Support Fund for those students who have difficulty meeting any costs incurred.

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including Maths and English, plus at least grade 5 in a single science or Combined Science.

Most Recent Results

Below is a summary of the most recent set of results for this subject:

Grade: A* A B C D E U Total
Total: 15 13 28 24 10 9 2 101
Percentage 14.9 12.9 27.7 23.8 9.9 8.9 2.0